Altai Flower Honey "Motley Grass", Medovy Kray, 500g / 17.64 oz
Артикул: 315777
У нас закончился товар по этому товару.
Honey from a variety of herbs has a rich aroma and a strong honey taste, which cannot be confused with anything else, has a golden yellow, sometimes brownish tint.
Honey plants: chicory, willow, St. John's wort, ivan tea, dandelion, honeydew, adonis, meadowsweet, milk thistle, linseed, thyme, mint, clover, esparcet, cornflower flowers, sunflower, bruise, highlander and others.
Composition: 100% Natural honey.
Nutritional value of 100g:
carbohydrates - 82 g,
calorie content - 328 kcal.