Christmas Candy Set "New Year's Fun", Uniconf, 358g/ 12.63 oz
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CARAMEL Alenka mix of flavors 3 IRIS Golden key 2 Kitty-kitty 2 SWEETS "Take it away!" taste chocolate cream 1 Bear clubfoot 1 Sea 1 Kara-kum 1 Bear Clubfoot Honey grill 1 Field 1 Little Red Riding Hood 1 Mom arrived 1 Charlie Camber with cheese flavor 1 Kinocorn with popcorn flavor 1 Potato 1 Oriental grill 1 Goat with salt 1 MOUTH FRONT Bars 1 Babaevskaya Squirrel 1 CHOCOLATE Alenka, 20 g 1 OTHER COOKIES Alenka taste milk, 30 g 1 WAFFLE Alenka with milk filling, nuts and cocoa 1 WAFFLE Alenka, 40 g 1 Total 26